Wow, so I just got done reading my last blog (which was 9 months ago) and boy have alot of things changed for me! 9 months ago I was still in high school, and definately not expecting the curve balls life has thrown me. Since then I have started college t MTSU, found a wonderful man that truely loves me, and recently discovered that I will be bringing yet another addition to our steadily growing family into the world this coming May.
I look back on my last blog and recall how positive I was about life and all the changes I was sure it would bring. I can only hope that I will carry that same attitude for the next 9 months. Getting pregnant was definately not part of "the plan" but it has definately given me a new way of looking at life. It's all still a bit shocking and overwelming knowing I will soon be a mother. I still have people ask me all the time how I can be taking it so well. Considering my boyfriend Will and I havent really been together that long at all and I am only 18. I can only answer them with a question: How am I supposed to be "taking it"? Am I supposed to spend the next 9 months being depressed and hiding in shame? Well if so that definately not me. Ive always tried to look at the positive side of things. So yeah this might have been unexpected, but so are most blessing. And that is the way I choose to look at things. I stand by my life motto: everything happens for a reason. So Im going to have a baby..Theres certainly nothing I can do about it now. Theres no going back and changing anything. And to be quite honest, I dont think I would even if I could. I have faith that everything will work out for the best, and thats what Im going to cling to.
They tell you at church that God will not test you beyond your ability. Well I certainly hope their right. Because Im sure the next 9 months will be very testy for both me and Will. And yes, Im sure there will be people with lots of negativ things to say, but there will also be those with positive statements. So which will I choose to listen to? If you guessed the positive ones you were right. All of my family didnt take my news so well, and yes that saddened me a bit. I know it isnt what everyone wanted to hear, but I would have expected them to at least except it. And I can already tell Ill be losing some of those people I once called friends, and yes that hurts too. But then again it really comes to show who my true friends were all along.
I guess something like this really makes you realize alot of things. So Im going to be starting my family a bit sooner than predicted, thats life! Its cray and its constantly changing. It really is about the way you handle those changes that determines the outcome. So Im going to hold my head high. Im going to look at this as a blessing. Nobody ever said it would be easy, they only assured that it would be worth it!!!